Wednesday 21 August 2013

God will wreck your life

Probably not the best title for my first post on this blog, but I just couldn't help it. I mean, I was impacted by this simple sentence that I was reading this morning and I felt that someone needed to hear as to why. 

Today I'm sitting in Tim Hortons, waiting for the library to open so that I can get started on a research paper and reading the World Race Blog and I came upon this post: Behind the Scenes of the World RaceThe second to last sentence in this post goes like this (if you don't have the time to read it), 
"...the realities of who God calls them to be: Beloved, blessed, redeemed, forgiven sons and daughters. It's amazing to see God wreck people's lives for his kingdom

The truth in this is so evident. God will wreck your life. 
He has most certainly wrecked mine. In fact He has torn it apart. 

My life right now reflects nothing from what it used to be a couple of years ago, in fact I didn't even think that I would ever be where I am now - in the midst of an overwhelming grace and joy that I have never felt in all my life. 
Yes, God has wrecked my life, but that's because it wasn't a full life. It wasn't something that I am inherently proud of, even though at the time I thought that it was a great life. But there came a day when I realized that I wanted something more because I felt incomplete and unsatisfied. 

And that's what wrecked my life. I chose to follow God and He started to transform me to give me life. He took out all the things that were getting in the way and filled the empty space with an abundance of joy, grace, mercy. 
Though at the time, I thought that God was indeed wrecking my life, medling in things that He shouldn't and making things so much harder than they needed to be. 

Yet, this is life we're talking about. With or "without" God, life is hard. Whoever believes that hardships will never happen is in for a rude awakening. We cannot control what happens in our life, no matter how much we prepare or protect what we have or who we are. Life has pain and sorrow, but in the midst of all that, God gives all of Himself so that we may not only live a full life on earth, but also in Heaven as well. 

What have I learned from God wrecking my life? Well, let's just say that the answer is what's to be expected when one's life is torn apart by grace: I am a beloved, blessed, redeemed, forgiven child of God. 

And my prayer for you is that you come to know that too.

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